ASU KEDtalks: Risk is not just a four-letter word

Most people don’t like talking about risk. Andrew Maynard is an exception.

Arizona State University
1 min readJan 20, 2017

As a professor at ASU’s School for the Future of Innovation in Society and the director of ASU’s Risk Innovation Lab, he thinks about risk innovation and the responsible development and use of technologies for a living.

Are we thinking enough about emerging technologies? Does innovation have a dark side? Is there a risk in not taking a risk? In this KEDtalk, Maynard tries to find answers to these pertinent questions and how we can all tackle risk challenges by framing them as values.

Most people don’t like talking about risk. Andrew Maynard of ASU’s Risk Innovation Lab does it for a living. Learn how he thinks we can all tackle risk challenges by framing them as values.
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Arizona State University

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